Saumya is one of our 2021 GitHub Externship students working on our Talawa project. She started formal coding with the Externship in June and has been collaborating with other students and mentors on her various GitHub pull requests.
Welcome Saumya!

Namaste, I am Saumya Singh an ordinary girl with a bag full of extraordinary dreams to learn, explore, be happy & achieve a lot more.
Technically, I enjoy working in the field of Web Development. I strive to be a better Web Developer daily. Mainly working on the front end and aiming to be a Full Stack developer. Besides, I am curious about Machine Learning and I deep dive into the world of Computer Vision. I have participated in various National level hackathons and I am part of the Women’s community in tech too. I am blessed that my team is a grand finalist of the National level technical event Toycathon’2021, and have also applied for a patent in the same project.
I am an avid book reader. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand is one of the best novels I have read, I also like reading Dan Brown novels. Writing soothes my soul, I have a domain on WordPress where I express my thought at times. Swimming, dancing, and sometimes talking to plants (😬) gives me joy. When I am working, learning, or coding, I like to listen to Jazz.
I believe “Life is Learning & Learning is Life” when anyone lives by this motto, they have the curiosity to look forward to something and a vision to learn new things with a positive attitude.
Keep Smiling.
Thank you